
How to Play Baccarat: A Complete Guide 

Baccarat is an easy and slow-paced card game that doesn’t require players to have certain strategies or skills. It is an exciting game of pure chance which offers some of the best odds in the casino. This game is very easy to play, even simpler than blackjack. There are many casinos that allow players to wager on Blackjack. You can find numerous variations of Blackjack on CasinoChan Australia. In this article, we will be talking about baccarat and its basic rules and strategies. 

Basic Elements of Baccarat

Here is a list of basic elements of baccarat you need to know before stepping into the real world: 

  • The bet: The player places a wager in order to begin the game. The three options to place bets are on the player spot, banker spot, and tie spot.
  • The deal: The dealer deals two cards for both the player and banker’s side. 
  • Player’s rule: The player automatically gets one more card if they dealt 0-5. The player stands if they get 6 or 7, and having 8 or 9 makes them the winner.
  • Dealer’s rule: The dealer’s side is based on the actions of the player’s side. There can be six different courses that a dealer may follow based on the player’s actions.

Basic Rules

  • At first, the player places his bets on the banker’s hand to begin the game. The dealer then deals with two hands on the table: banker’s hand and the player’s hand. 
  • After placing two cards on both sides of the table, it’s time to determine the value of each hand by calculating the points.
  • Cards with the number 10 and the face cards A, K, Q, and J all are counted as zero points. 
  • Aces are counted as 1 point and the other cards as their face value. 
  • The player who hits the point total of the first two cards as 8 or 9 is the one who wins the hand.
  • If the player has a total of below 5, they will be dealt another card or may be forced to stand up.

Winning Tips & Tricks

Play Baccarat

Here are some strategies and tips which can help you to win a baccarat game: 

  • A great strategy to increase your winning chances is avoiding playing ties. This is because of the fact that there is a 14.4% house edge for a tie. On the other hand, the house edge for bankers and players is 1.06% and 1.24%. 
  • Another winning strategy can be speculating the cards on the banker’s side. This is a great step to increase the chances of your winning. 

It is Okay to Lose

You don’t have to always chase your losses. Baccarat is an entertaining game, and losses should be taken lightly. No one wins every game they play. It can happen that you may lose sometimes. Pushing yourself to win your lost money and play more games can lead you to face more losses. The player who hits the total points of their first two cards as 8 or 9 automatically wins. This is called a natural win.

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